Thursday 1 August 2013


Pinch punch, first day of the month.

Friggin narwhals are friggin real. I didn't know this. My mind is well and truly blown.

I'm familiar with the concept from fantastical old-timey maps, the kind that have Poseidon/Neptune in the corner and giant squids and misshapen countries and various sea serpents and mermaids. I thought it was in good company, I thought there couldn't possibly be such a thing as a horned whale because that's just silly, but no. Apparently the Narwhal pulled a duck-billed platypus on me and turned out to be friggin REAL. 

I found this out via daytime TV of all things. The presenter was inspecting a walking stick that was made from Narwhal tusk, which supposedly was often mistaken for unicorn horn. I kept thinking, 'Don't tell me they're real too, I might just start believing in Father Christmas and the Easter bunny again.' Despite my crushing cynicism, I think they might genuinely be a new favourite animal of mine, they're so weird they're almost beautiful. 

watch this national geographic video to see them in action (you may want to tune out the voiceover if you don't like puns) :

So yeah, the wonderful keeps on happening.

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